That's what I've been doing lately. In my quest to achieve my top ten goals while abroad, I decided to join the ladies rugby team at the university. That decision is turning out to be a triple dipper, as it is covering goals 1 (have fun), 2 (join a club or society that I would never normally participate in at home), and 5 (get in better shape). I have never played rugby before, and really had no idea what I was getting into when I went to the first practice about two weeks ago. It turned out what I was getting into was a lot of mud, laughs, and sore mornings. Practices involve various drills in which we run, slide, and dive through mud that I swear must be over four inches thick thanks to daily rain showers. After the first practice, I could not believe how hard we had worked. I woke up the next day barely able to move, but it was the first great workout I'd had in forever and I wasn't at all hesitant about going back for another practice. I went out and got the necessary equipment, as well as more laundry detergent for the multiple loads that I will now be doing each week. My first game was yesterday against University College Cork and while our team lost 10 - 0, it was a good learning experience to see a game being played up close. Rugby is by far the most intense sport that I have ever participated in. It is a full-contact free for all in which we play by the motto "if she's in your way, get her out of it." There are big hits, injuries, and arguments throughout the game, but the clock keeps running and the girls keep playing. Practices are two nights a week and games are almost weekly, so I am looking forward to getting in some good playing time and becoming somewhat skilled at the sport.

Looking rough after practice.

Besides getting into shape and doing something outside my comfort zone, playing rugby has also allowed me to make a lot of new friends and enjoy the camaraderie of being on a team. There are Irish girls who have been playing on the team for years, as well several Americans and other international students who have either been here since the fall semester or just joined in the past few weeks. Despite the constantly changing roster, the girls are all very welcoming and assure newcomers that we aren't just teammates, we are friends as well. After yesterday's loss, the team quickly put it behind them and instructed us to go shower then meet up at Monroe's, a pub in Galway City that acts as the unofficial sponsor of the team. At the pub, the team was served finger foods while enjoying some live music and pints until we decided to relocate to the Front Door, another local pub that is always a good time. There, we danced until about three in the morning. Even the coach stayed out until then! It was so much fun, as well as a good chance for us to get to know one another outside of rugby. Although I was hesitant to join at first, I think becoming part of the rugby team may have been the best decision that I have made since coming to Ireland.
Love and reaching goals,
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