Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Last Hurrah

...At least until Lent is over.

While in the United States, yesterday may have been just another Tuesday, or a Fat Tuesday for those down in the Big Easy; in Ireland it was Shrove Day. To shrive means to obtain absolution for one's sins by way of confession and doing penance. (Yes, I did Wikipedia that.) In Ireland, Catholics shrive by eating pancakes. On the day before Ash Wednesday is is tradition to eat pancakes, lots of them. So many pancakes, in fact, that the day is known as Pancake Tuesday throughout the country. Originally, pancakes were made before Ash Wednesday in an attempt to use up all the foodstuffs, such as eggs, milk, etc., before the fasting of Lent officially began. However, most Catholics have modernized and concluded that Lent is not a diet, so there is really no need to use up all the rich ingredients before the season. But, they still eat pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. Tradition is as good an excuse as any, right?

I celebrated Pancake Tuesday with my rugby team. One of my teammates invited all of us over to her house last night for some pancakes and craic. I brought Lindsay so she could meet the team and have her first Pancake Tuesday experience along with all of the other Americans who were unaware of this tradition prior to coming to Ireland. We ate crepe-style pancakes covered in Nutella, syrup, butter, chocolate spread, whipped cream, strawberries, you name it. It was delicious and a tradition I would definitely like to continue.

As today was actually Ash Wednesday, Lindsay and I made our way to Saint Augustine's Church in the city center, where we were surprised to find a "do-it-yourself" ash situation. I wish I was joking. There was a bowl of ash on the altar which we were supposed to dip our fingers in and bless ourselves. After a quick observation of what others were doing, we went up, did the deed, and got out of there fast at the risk of looking too idiotic. But hey, at least we went.

Getting ashes, of course, marked the beginning of Lent and in keeping with the rules I have decided to give up cursing (my mouth has become like that of a truck driver since arriving here) and, going along with the motto "Lent is not a diet," I have decided not to give up any indulgences but to make a conscientious effort to eat more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis - a habit that will hopefully extend past the 40 days...

Love and pancakes,

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