Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And In The End The Journey Is The Destination

While it seems like yesterday that I wrote a post on my goals for my semester abroad, it was actually over four months ago and now as my time in Ireland is coming to a close it's time for me to look back on how I did in reaching them. 

1) Have fun! 
I don't think there is even any question that this goal has been beyond reached. This blog speaks for itself.

2) Join a club or society I would never normally participate in at home.

Joining the rugby team at NUIG was hands-down the best decision I made while being abroad. It gave me the opportunity to learn a new sport, get moving, and make a whole new group of friends that I otherwise would have never met.

3) Kiss the Blarney Stone. Check!

4) Travel somewhere on my own.
This goal was reached the moment my plane landed at Shannon Airport on January 5th. I came abroad with no family or close friends in the area for support. I was able to make it through this experience all on my own, making good friends and unforgettable memories along the way. 

5) Get in better shape.
Well, I'm not sure if you've read my posts about all the delicious foods I've eaten in Italy, Spain, Holland, etc. but I have exactly been eating completely health. Dieting and traveling do not mix! However, having my two feet as my primary means of transportation for the past five months has reaped some benefits; I feel more energetic and my jeans are a bit looser. I'll give this goal a check!

6) Go to Italy and have an "Eat Pray Love"-esque experience.
Boy did I ever!

7) Have a fleeting fling with an Irishman.
This one is a bit personal and in the interest of keeping it PG around here, I'm going to spare you all the details and just say CHECK!

8) Volunteer in some manner within the local community.

Helping out at Bohermore Homework Club was one of my favorite experiences this semester. I really enjoyed working with the children and getting to know them each week.

9) Do well in my classes.
The verdict is still out on this one as grades don't come out until the end of June but I feel confident in saying that it's been a good semester academically.

10) Keep up my blog so I will be able to remember everything after this experience is over. Nearly 60 entries later, I don't think anything went unaccounted for. Check!

Even though I am thrilled to go through the goals I had written down and know that I reached them, the best part was getting there. I had to challenge myself and go outside my comfort zone to make them happen. I've traveled to wonderful places, met amazing people, crossed things off my bucket list, completed junior year of college, and had the most incredible five months of my life thus far - all while getting to capture and share it through words and pictures. I think it's safe to say "mission accomplished."

Love and no regrets, 

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